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Getting AZ Topo onto my Garmin 450

Started by oldgobbler, September 19, 2012, 05:27:06 PM

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I'm really frustrated! I think I've followed all the tutorials on this site, but cannot figure out how to get the AZ Topo I just downloaded onto my Oregon 450. I found the downloaded files in "Program Files. They are all showing .img.idx  . I have both Mapsource (from my old ETrex Legend use) as well as the newer BaseCamp on my PC.  I use the latter to move created waypoints, etc., back and forth to my handheld.

Nowhere can I find a way to move the new maps to the Oregon. can someone direct me to a tutorial or something?


Something on your computer must be adding the .idx extension to those files. They should all end with .img. So I would guess the map isn't being correctly installed on your computer. If everything works properly, it should look just like this:

Did you run the installer and did you see this?


Yes, I ran the installer. I saw the same window yesterday. It took about 30 minutes to download (into "Program Filesx86"). When I located and opened that file I saw all the files with that double extension name.
Thanks for whatever help you can provide.


Update...I just loaded BaseCamp for the first time  and lo and behold, under the map drop-down, here's AZ Topo!!! It sure wasn't there yesterday, as I checked several times. I guess I'm all up to speed now. Thanks for your help!


If you had BaseCamp, or MapSource, running when you installed the map you would need to stop and restart them before they would show the newly installed maps.  AFAIK they only check for mapsets at startup.