Help after map is installed and enabled on Garmin etrex 20??

Started by tiva, June 19, 2012, 09:39:09 AM

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I've just purchased a Garmin etrex 20, after 8 years of using an old, reliable, non-mapping Garmin Vista. My computer is a mac; I have basemap and mapinstall installed.

So far, I've followed the tutorials here to use Basemap to get Michigan Topo, and I've added several campsite waypoints for our upcoming 8 day paddle on Isle Royale. So far, so good.

Then I followed the tutorial to use MapInstall to select the correct maps from the Michigan Topo for our trip,  and I installed them onto the Garmin etrex 20. No problem

Great. Then I used the tutorial to change which map is displayed on my Etrex 20:

And this is where I run into problems, since the tutorial isn't the same as the new Etrex 20. I follow the directions, and get to  the "select map" menu on the Etrex 20. I push the button and get a choice of 3 maps: the basemap that came with the Etrex, a Demo map that Garmin stuck on here, and my map (mitopo11). I enable it. The menu then pops me back to the three maps, all enabled.

Now what? I want to view the waypoints and the map for the Michigan topo (I'm in Wisconsin now). Nothing shows up. I go and disable the other two maps, so only my new Michigan map is enabled. But nothing shows up--my waypoints aren't there, the map doesn't seem to be viewable.

What I have done wrong? The Garmin manual seems remarkably useless. Am I missing something incredibly basic? After 8 years of using a non-mapping Garmin, I didn't think this new mapping one would be so bewildering!


I may have figured some of this out, by accident. I reinstalled the Michigan Topo, this time keeping all of the maps intact, since I thought I might have done the selection part incorrectly somehow.

I also went back into BaseCamp and manually moved my selected waypoints onto the device. This time it worked and I can see my new map.

Is there a step by step manual somewhere for the Etrex 20? The Garmin Manual has none of this detail.


When turned on, the GPSr will display where it is located.  If you want to see some other area you need to pan to that area.  BaseCamp, MapInstall and MapSource will usually display the area of the mapset selected.