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Help with AK TOPO map.

Started by lassenpct, January 04, 2012, 11:58:51 AM

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OK, finally decided to ask for a little help.  Trying to download a few topos for AK to a Garmin 60cx using a Windows 7 OS 32 bit via map source.  Downloaded the Alaska Topo .exe file from this site, opened it in Map Source, confimed the computere and GPS are communicating, but the program keeps asking me to insert the Alaska disk.  Did I miss a step or am I doing something wrong?  The tutorial doesn't reference any disk insertion.  Any help out there?

Thanks in adviance,



Is that the AK topo I made, or the AK topo and parcels ...?



Just installed it on my 64-bit WIN 7 computer and sent a few quads/segments to my OR300 - everythimg worked fine.
That mapset used a 32bit installer program which has been used for mapsets totaling over 100,000 downloads.  I do not recall such an issue with any of those mapsets, mine or others.

Update to the latest version of MapSource if you are not using it.
Did you install the mapset to a CD?
Did is actually say to 'insert the Alaska disk'? 


My *guess* would be that you have an old version of Garmin's US Topo installed on your computer, and you are trying to choose that map. Those maps date back to the days of tiny hard drives, and it was distributed on a set of CD's. You had to insert the correct CD to view the map or send it to your GPS.

I can't think of any other reason why you'd get a message to insert a CD. In the dropdown menu in Mapsource, do you see US TOPO listed?


OK, finally got it, problem solved.  Operator error of course.  In the drop down menu, my choices were US Topo - Alaska, mti_ak, and a few others.  I was trying to use the US Topo - Alaska, which obviously is the CD version.  Using the mti_ak, all worked fine.  Many thanks to those that responded and pushed me in the right direction.  You guys rock as well as this site.  Many thanks,