micro sd card shown on wrong computer drive

Started by danasu, March 19, 2011, 07:16:50 AM

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I beg me. I have new garmin 62 s and  my raster maps are on micro sd card 2 gb
when I connect GPS to computer I have the blue garmin triangle shown as in F drive. I open, get custommaps and it is BLANK. I go to H drive and there is custommaps and when I open all my raster maps are there.
When I open GPS, go map setup, there are no custommap folders shown. my chip is  properly installed. when I go with chip to my SD adaptor, I can read all raster maps. why cant GPS find my raster maps. why is GPS shown on one drive and SD chip on another. I implore someone to help me. thanks, dave


That GPSr unit has internal memory which is one device; the micro memory card is a second device.  Same as your computer sees its hard drive as one device and a memory card and/or other devices (USB, DVD, etc) as second, third, etc. devices.
As Garmin supports custom raster maps, have you contacted them about this issue?

Indrid Cold

try moving the /CustomMaps folder from your microSD card (H:) to the internal memory on the GPS (F:) and see if it reads them.


Ingrid solved my problem. I did cut and paste from H drive to F drive and then when I opened gps there it was. tried it in field and it worked. thanks ingrid. great board here. I am again whole. dave

Indrid Cold

Maybe the firmware in the GPSMAP62s doesn't read Garmin Custom Maps from the memorycard yet. Don't have on to try myself...


It really should work regardless of whether the folder is on the card or internal memory. But on the card you must also create a Garmin folder. The full path should be H:\Garmin\CustomMaps