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GE track to Basecamp

Started by hawk, December 29, 2010, 10:20:49 AM

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Can I import a track from Google Earth to the NE Topo in Base camp,if so how.?

Indrid Cold

Yes, it's pretty easy. On the freeware side, gpsbable.


I down loaded GPS Bable but don't have a clue how to do this.


Quote from: hawk on December 31, 2010, 08:36:37 AM
I down loaded GPS Bable but don't have a clue how to do this.
Tried sending one of my saved places (a road) as a KML file to Base Camp.Got a dialog box saying i don't have permission to do that.


I do it all the time and have created a batch file to do it:

C:\programs\gpsbabel\gpsbabel.exe -p "" -w -t -i kml -f "C:\Users\Jim\Desktop\Temporary Places.kml" -o gdb -F "C:\Users\Jim\Desktop\Untitled1.gdb"

save a text file and give it a .bat ext (edit the locations if needed)

Then run the file.  It should create untitled1.gbd that BaseCamp and MapSource can open. 

Cutting and pasting the text into run should also do the trick. 


There's also gpsbabelGUI which provides a dialog to let you select the data types to convert from and to and lets you assign file names for from and to.


Thank you for all the replies which I greatly appreciate.Problem is I don't have a clue what you said.I do have bable though.


Save your Google tracks as a KML or KMZ file.
Use GPSBabel (as in Tower of Babel), to convert your KML, or KMZ to a GPX.
If you have GPSBabelGUI installed it has browse buttons to let you select the KML or KMZ file and menus to let you select the GPX (universal) or GDB (Garmin  Proprietary) format.